A Project Management Toolbox for the Project Economy
April 11, 2021

Project management tools have evolved exponentially. Since the first tools in the 80s to avoid drawing schedules manually, to the digital workplace of today, people collaborating on projects have felt overwhelmed by tooling. Not far ago, they had to use only a few strict process oriented tools. Nowadays, they feel anxious using a variety of freemium ones.
Every day, project management is more and more important for business. Project management can help organizations stay ahead of the competition. By 2027, employers will need nearly 88 million individuals in project management-oriented roles. We project managers are high level professionals who don’t just follow the sponsor’s directions anymore. Now we are supposed to be accountable for project results, communicate proactively with top managers, anticipate problems, enhance opportunities, etc.
We need a good toolbox to be effective in a collaborative distributed environment, with stakeholders demanding information in real time. Luckily for us, project managers will not be replaced by robots. Social skills will keep essential for success on every project. When projects fail badly, after a long delay or over costing too much, causes are not to be found in tools or methodologies –tools are just a means to an end. Project management tools will not replace us. Chances are they will help us to be more effective as project managers by giving us knowledge base repositories for lessons learned and risks, interactive feedback platforms, chatbots, voice assistants, AI, big data, business intelligence, blockchain, etc.
Project management tools will not replace us. They will help us to be more effective as project managers.
With remote projects everywhere, project managers are supposed to have a high technology quotient. Now they are considered poor practitioners if they communicate through long emails, documents or presentations; if they attach documents –or even worse, videos– instead of sending links to files; if they include us into an WhatsApp group (unsolicited); if they make us feel zoom fatigue, etc.
Nowadays, there are many excellent design tools that, if used properly, can save project teams a great deal of downtime, allowing them to collaborate effectively. Project teams can work effectively, saving a lot of waste and time, if they use properly some available, excellent design, intuitive tools. Project managers who are proficient on productive tools can focus on what is important: stakeholder management, risk management, servant leadership, change management, implementing corrective actions to get the project back on track, etc.
5 Categories on Project Management Tools
Five categories are to cover the basic needs of most projects:
- TEAM COMMUNICATION: Effective project managers use email in formal communications, mainly. They’d rather use more productive tools than email when communicating about the day-to-day work. File sharing tools belong to this category –e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Box, etc. This category includes office tools to write and share documents and polls–Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Forms, Microsoft Office– instant messaging –Slack, Microsoft Teams– video conferencing –Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams– and specific tools to share screenshots and videos –LightShot, screenrec.
- TASK MANAGEMENT: This category includes tools to getting things done individually and helping teams collaborate on task lists to control who is doing what by when. Some examples are: Asana, Jira, Trello, Redmine, Wrike, Microsoft Planner, etc.
- PROJECT SCHEDULING: These are tools to produce a schedule model (Gantt chart, timeline, etc.) to track dates, durations, milestones, costs, resources, etc. Some examples are: Microsoft Project, ProjectLibre, SmartSheet, etc.
- PROJECT REPORTING: These tools allow us to display large volumes of data coming from projects to facilitate the business analysis by top managers. Examples: Microsoft Power BI, Qlik, Tableau, etc.
- PROJECT GOVERNANCE: These tools help organizational project management for individual projects, programs and portfolios. Examples: PMPeople, Microsoft Project Server, Oracle Primavera, SAP PPM, Clarity PPM, Planview, Clarizen, Sciforma, etc.
9 Freemium Tools for Project Management
Organizations in the project economy can start using good freemium tools today, no investment required up front. If free features are enough, they can continue free forever, focusing on value rather than technology. Nowadays, there is no need for ad hoc tools or digital transformation projects to improve the technology on project management. Organizations can use available tools whenever they are needed.Nowadays, there is no need for ad hoc tools or digital transformation projects to improve the technology on project management.State of the art has evolved so far, that now it is possible to have most projects’ technological needs covered with a free project management toolbox. This applies to big and small organizations, public or private, long or short projects, big or small teams, predictive or agile projects. If a project manager is proficient at these kinds of tools and uses them wisely, he or she can contribute tremendously to the digital transformation and the business value delivery at the organization. From PMPeople we recommend this list of our 9 favourite freemium tools:
1. Google Drive

- For instance, if you follow this link, you can preview a PDF document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SudtecCaJBHmR1NV6sV9RUH9u32Wgft_
- If you change the link this way, you can get an automatic download to PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1SudtecCaJBHmR1NV6sV9RUH9u32Wgft_
- Use a shortener like bit.ly to make sharing easier: https://bit.ly/ejemplo_descarga_gdrive
2. Google Docs/Slides/Sheets/Forms

3. Screenrec

4. Zoom

5. Slack

- Creating a workspace for the project. Each Slack workspace can be accessed independently, with a separate sign up. Use the desktop version if you need to access several workspaces at the same time. Slack users need to sign up for each workspace.
- Invite the team and the rest of stakeholders needing instant messaging communication. If you don’t want to invite them one by one, you can share a public link for them to register proactively. We discourage project instant messaging with WhatsApp since many people feel disturbed taking group invitations as personal life interference.
- Integrate applications for file sharing (e.g. Google Drive) and video conferencing (e.g. Zoom). Google Drive-Slack integration allows members to instantly create and share Google documents, or sharing files from their Google Drive accounts. We discourage uploading files from the computer to Slack. For security reasons, we recommend Google Drive as the unique document repository. Zoom-Slack integration allows members to instantly join a meeting: just by clicking a button.
- Brief the team on ground rules to communicate properly with Slack. For instance: do not correct one message with another message –authors can always edit what is wrong or delete their messages–, do not attach confidential files from the computer –use Google Drive, instead–, minimize timelines length by reacting with emojis or responding inside threads. Show how to pin certain messages, take personal notes, drafts, starring, etc. Advise them not to use Slack for formal communications, since the free version will make those messages not retrievable eventually, when the next 10,000 messages come after.
6. Asana

7. ProjectLibre

8. Power BI

Images provided by PMO team at Econocom
9. PMPeople

A premium organization with 200 team members and 1 PM would only pay 200 euro a year!The main premium benefits are:
- Organization members access a separate workspace. Organization Owner can manage users and roles. Managers can easily manage the organization specifics: departments, portfolios, programs, clients, sellers, calendars, reports, etc.
- Members can use the PMO role, to access and manage all projects in all business units, and all team members of all resource pools.
- Members can interact with the PMPeople support team through a live chat.
- Organization Owner can set the “reliable seal” on, so that status reports are secured and stored in blockchain.
- Ads are not displayed in premium organizations.