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Agile Case Study (5/5): Closing the First Release
By Jose Barato
May 26, 2021
22 minutes read

This is the fifth and last post on the chapter 23 of the book Agile Estimating and Planning, by Mike Cohn. In the previous post the team was about to start the first 2 week iteration, planned with 4 stories and 18 points. They also forecasted a project duration between 12 an 20 weeks. In this post we will read this:
- The team shows the outcomes of the 1st iteration (they complete 16 points out of 18) and they plan the 2nd iteration with 3 stories (18 points).
- They complete the 2nd iteration completely and they plan the 3rd one having into account 2 new exciter features, adding 30 and 35 points respectively. If they want to keep duration from 12-20 weeks, they have not to include an exciter feature of 30 points. Before starting 3rd iteration they have 133 story points (at the beginning they had 132).
- Finally, we read about the last iteration review. The project ended up in 22 weeks (2 weeks later compared to initial estimate, but with more value to the business).
This case study shows how agile methods can get software projects controlled.

2 Weeks later...

Planning The Second Iteration

- As a player, I want the computer to recognize a winning shape (2)
- As a player, I can play against a weak engine that recognizes forks (8)
- As a player, I’d like to be able to choose between a wooden board and pieces and a metal board and pieces (8)
Two Weeks Later...

Reviewing The Release Plan
“Frank has already told you that I found some new exciters,” Delaney said. “A couple of you heard me talking on the phone with potential buyers about these. The good news is that our target audience really wants two features we haven’t thought about. First, they want the computer player to have different personalities who each play the game differently. One character may be very aggressive, another conservative. A character that a lot of people asked for is one who taunts them. It says mean things after a bad move, laughs at them when they lose. Stuff like that.” “That does sound fun,” Allan said. “It’ll change the move engine, but probably not much. It’s already configurable to allow me to tune it for more aggressive or more conservative play.” “That’s the first new feature,” Delaney continued. “The second is online play. People want to play this game online against other humans.” “That’s huge,” Sasha said. “We’d need to get space in a data center, acquire the hardware, hire the staff.” “We could partner for all that,” Frank said. “It’s not out of the question but you’re right that’s it’s big. Delaney, do you have any sense for which feature is more important?” “The characters. Good characters would be a big exciter. That is a feature that people really like but that they don’t expect,” Delaney said. “Delaney, you just told us that we’ve got scope creep. And we were already at the upper end of our 12–20 week estimate,” Prasad said. “Why did you say you have ‘good news’? Do you have something else to tell us?”

- As player, I’d like to play this game online against other humans (30)
- As player, I’d like the computer player to have different personalities who each play the game differently: character 1 (15)
- As player, I’d like the computer player to have different personalities who each play the game differently: character 2 (5)
- As player, I’d like the computer player to have different personalities who each play the game differently: character 3 (5)
- As player, I’d like the computer player to have different personalities who each play the game differently: character 4 (5)
- As player, I’d like the computer player to have different personalities who each play the game differently: character 5 (5)

- As a new player, I’d like to be warned after making a horrible move and be given the chance to take it back (8 points)
- As a new player, I want to be able to view an interactive tutorial for the game (8 points)
- As a player, I want the system to play background music (5 points)
- As a player, I can select the background music played by the system (1 point)
Presenting The Revised Plan
“Hi, Phil. Do you still want to hear what we’ve decided about those new features in Havannah?” Frank asked. “Absolutely. These are the features Delaney mentioned this morning?” “Yes.” “I’ve got about 15 minutes now. Will that work.” “It should be plenty,” Frank said. He then asked Delaney to explain how her research had led to the discovery of the new ideas for online play and characters. “Phil, do you remember a few weeks ago when I told you how we are estimating in story points?” “Sure.” “And that story points are a measure of size. We started out with 132 story points. In the first iteration we finished 16. In the second we finished 18. Allan, can you draw that?” Frank asked, pointing to an empty space on Phil’s white board. Allan went to the white board and drew figure below:

Eighteen Weeks Later...

# Tag# agile# Agile project management tool# Construction project management software# Digital Project Management tool# Gestión de proyectos sin procesos# Online project management solution# Professional Project Management Tool# Project collaboration tool# Project management tool# Project Portfolio Management Software